Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Digital Fortress - a disappointment

Finished reading digital fortress 2 weeks back. Was very enthusiastic to read that book because my previous reads of Dan Brown have been just awesome but DF disappointed me.
It had an element of suspense as in other books but some how it never took control of the readers mind, atleast not me.
This book reminded me of the various bollywood scenes and the climax. I guess thats the reason i didnt like it. Unlike other books, it never got the reader involved in itself. It had a fast moving pace but in between it used to go so slow that you might want to skip the pages and read the end.
I was expecting the similar kind of suspense, fast, chemistry between the characters as Dan Brown potrayed in his other books but this one didnt take my heart.
Probably this one was his initial one, so i guess i read his books in a bit different order and i have to say that he is definitely improving :)


Tarun said...

u hv become an avid reader now :)

Amrinder Kaur said...

gud n thanks for ur blog.i can save my time n could rather read some interesting works.And or u can say i read the novel without reading ..i can very easily give my expert opinion to anybody without reading the novel.Smart work by me....