Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 set 2010 dawn

Another year is coming to an end and this is going to be my last blog in the year 2009.
I hope to pen down more blogs next year than i was able to do this year.
Time flies by so quickly that we are already near to end of another year.
January is the only month where we realize that "oh, its a long year", but after that you doesnt come to know when it is already Dec 31st.
2009 is another year making history in every field of life.
Many disasters were averted but some still happened.
War still happened but peace was also made.
Terror attacks still happened and still going on....
Some became new mom's, some others lost their only child.
Some got promotions, some lost their job.
Some got their wishes fulfilled, some still waiting.
So its just a part and parcel of life....All the above things are going to happen in the next year and there does the end of the year signifies anything? Or its just another date to make you one more year older....
I still hope that the coming year is prosperous and successful year for everyone.
Lets be positive, eat healthy, exercise, determined and lead a happy life !

Happy New year 2010 to all my blog readers !

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Missing weddings has become a trend

I have not seen any wedding since my wedding...
Many weddings have come by and gone but i was always on the other side of the ocean to attend any of those.
When ever i see the snaps of my family and friends enjoying all the fun of the wedding,i am jealous.
People say that you have to sacrifice some things in order to get some and, in marriage, you have to compromise.....I feel thats all true ...In marraige you have to compromise and i also compromised a guys will be curious to know what i sacrificed....all the marriages since my marriage.....;)
Its just that my circumstances have been always different during any marriage time and forunately or unfortunately, i am not able to attend....How my marriage has played a part in this? To be honest, its just a cliche but my marriage has nothing to do with me not attending marriages but it has always been my work....why i said marriage before becuase if i would not have got married, i would not have missed so many of them becuase i would not be a part of my new family then where all of them happened (Tarun's side cousins) :) Howz that....
But i stll miss all the festivites and hasna gana .....I miss you guys....

Digital Fortress - a disappointment

Finished reading digital fortress 2 weeks back. Was very enthusiastic to read that book because my previous reads of Dan Brown have been just awesome but DF disappointed me.
It had an element of suspense as in other books but some how it never took control of the readers mind, atleast not me.
This book reminded me of the various bollywood scenes and the climax. I guess thats the reason i didnt like it. Unlike other books, it never got the reader involved in itself. It had a fast moving pace but in between it used to go so slow that you might want to skip the pages and read the end.
I was expecting the similar kind of suspense, fast, chemistry between the characters as Dan Brown potrayed in his other books but this one didnt take my heart.
Probably this one was his initial one, so i guess i read his books in a bit different order and i have to say that he is definitely improving :)