iPhone has been capturing the phone world since its arrival but is it the same phone which is conquering our lives as well? I think so.
More than a phone, with which you can call and get calls, it is a mailbox - a GPS -game station - an iPod - a Camera and the list goes on.
But are we really making a good use of the iPhone or it has just become another addiction like alcohol and smoke.
People are and still going crazier with every version. People who have iPhone have a different day routine now. Their day starts with the 'Good Morning' to the iPhone, mails checking and that continues every 10 to 20 min on an avg till it is the time to say 'Good Night'. And if you happen to get up in between the sleep, again one check on the iPhone to verify its working ;)
It is with you when you are at the dining table eating, or you are in the bathroom brushing.
Thankfully one place you cannot take it with you in the shower but that will be soon: another version of iPhone...something new has to come every time, otherwise no fun.
When phone becomes your wife: with whom you get up in the morning, sleep in the night, eat together, then this becomes the reality: "iPhone se nazar nahin hat ti, nazarein hum kya dekhen"
Like alcohol and smoke, iPhone is also an addiction and i am sure that sometime in near future, rehab centers for iPhone will start coming up.
At least I would need it very soon for Tarun.