I never thought a day would come when I will get a news that I have to stay without Guggs for one and a half months. I never ever thought in my wildest dreams. Guggs promised me that wherever he will go, he will take me along with him.But whatever you please, you dream, might not get fulfilled and I experienced that on May 7th 2006. On that day, Guggs told me that he has to go to Germany for fewdays. Few days could mean one and a half months, I never knew that.I was happy as well as said when I got to know about this. It wasn't easy for any of us to digest this and even think about it. How we will stay without each other for "Few Days" :) . But I knew that we have to. The day 15th May 2006 arrived when he left for Germany. Was not able to go to airport as well to see him off as his flight was late at night and taxi's are not very safe in Bangalore.Wanted to stop him but couldn't. Wanted to go with him but couldn't.
Then started my days of living without him, who is my life, my everything.Everyday became a normal routine of going to office and coming back. It felt that no life was left in me. Life stopped for me. I was alive just to see him again. No excitement of any kind was left inside me.I used to think about him every moment even when I was busy in work. and when I wasn't so busy, then he came to my mind twice every moment.I was all alone without him . I tried to convince myself that physical presence is not everything but I couldn't drag it for a long time. My mom and his mom stayed with me for some time and I used to be very bubbly in front of them. They never came to know about the pain in my heart which was increasing by each passing day.
Time was nearing and July 3rd was just 2 weeks from now. I got another news. His stay got extended till Aug 15th. I was shattered. I wanted to die. Because it would be another 1 and a half months again before I could see him, touch him, lie on his shoulders and relax.I couldn't take this news. Guggs came with a solution that he would come back on 15th July and then go back after a week and then come back on Aug 15th. This made me relax a bit but the loneliness increased beyond limits. Each day didn't pass by without me crying for him.
Its getting lot jaanu. Please come back. I cant live without u.Please come back.
The blog has been written very well.. ur first attempt n a pretty decent one.. :)
i wish al tis wat u hv written cud be fiction but alas it is not..
it is the hard fact of our lives, love,with which we have to live..
i hope the way I am thinking for july 15, should be true n further on .. we are able to live each day with our plans.. n my dreams which i take everyday becomes true... amen..
but there is so much of reality in this blog that it brought tears in my eyes and at the spur of the moment i wanted to shut all things off and wanted to come closer to you to remove ur lonliness.. but again i m chained by the distances of land.
But one thing is sure the way we have missed each other, is like no one else , and I am sorry to leave you alone during the weekends, ;)
but i just went to capture europe n show it to you..
waiting for the day when u would be in my arms ! n i know the day is coming soon.. I m coming Home..
love u sweetie pie.
chhavi u write very nice n crisp
I can exactly feel each and every line of this blog. This bitter truth of life comes in our lives that we have to be far from our life partner. But, love makes it all possible and the joy of getting together again makes us forget the pain. It increases the bond the love. Still if some one asks me another phase of separation I would say "No Please".
I wanna to decide some of questions in this area. Could u help me to do it?
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